Did you know 15-20% of the population suffers from back pain. In fact it is the top 10 reason why people visit their doctors. Years of sitting or being in a heavy work environment can have an effect on your spinal structure. What happens is your structural fibers begin to break down and cause small cracks and fissures in the disc. These cracks allow the soft center to move outward causing a disc bulge or herniation, causing immense amount of pain.
Decompression; to release pressure.
Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine, changing the force and position. The table is then adjusted and set to the proper tension and angle allowing for the specific disk to be targeted and corrected. Eventually, bulging or herniated disks will start to retract. Pressure will be taken off your spinal disks, nerves and other structures in your spine. This will then allow for water, oxygen, and nutrient rich fluids into the disks allowing for them to heal.
Even though it might sound and look scary at first, our decompression machine is the most relaxing thing you could get into. All it takes is 20 minutes out of your day over a short period of time to be able to completely restore function and assure complete healing.
Give us a call at 903-440-4713 to ask about getting you set up with one of our decompression deals to save you time and money !